a live webinar
on Saturday, October 26th
9:30AM—12:30PM Central time

history deep dive

Learn how to make history the spine of your curriculum in every stage of homeschooling!

Maybe you love the idea of making history the central focus of your homeschool but you aren't sure how to piece it all together.

You desire to give your kids an experience with history that brings to life the people and places of the past.

However, the process of taking a book list of recommendations and forming them into an enjoyable learning experience can feel like an insurmountable task.

Make history your central focus.

We make history the core of your child's learning, because history is the velcro that holds all other subjects together. 

When children learn in this way, they are more likely to retain the information. The people, places, and events become personally meaningful. 

The History Deep Dive live webinar is all about giving you the practical help you need to confidently make history the central focus of your homeschool curriculum!

join us on october 26th


for the history deep dive live webinar

on Saturday, October 26, 2024

TESTIMONIAL from ana in minnesota:

“Using history as our skeleton has really grown family relationships. Inside jokes, shared thoughts and opinions all bring so much richness to our homeschool day. And the kids LOVE telling Dad about what they learned in history every day. It's really our favorite part of our day.

What does the webinar include?


Why History is the Core session


History of America session


History of Western Civilization session


Q&A session where Carole and Rachel will answer submitted questions


PDF downloads of the Homeschool Made Simple American History and World History handouts which are yours indefinitely


Even if you can't join live, you'll receive access to the replay for 2 full weeks afterwards.


BONUS: for $10 more, you get indefinite access to the teaching once it's available in our online store

After the History Deep Dive webinar, you’ll be able to

make history the backbone

Create a curriculum that uses history to interweave many disciplines (such as art, music, science, architecture, etc.) through a unit study approach.

choose the right cycle

Learn when to teach which time period so that your child gains a comprehensive historical understanding.

create a plan

Use the book lists and teaching to develop your own plan that is customized to work best for your family's stage, schedule, and interests. 

morgan in south carolina

“The American history handout is gold. It's given me a road map for where to go.”

jenna in Tennessee

“I love the new handouts and I’m thankful for extra resources… I’m feeling equipped to get a timeline going this year!”

Mandalynn in Texas

“The information on the reason why history matters so much in our homeschool was fantastic.”

For over 35 years, Carole Joy Seid has helped families make history the skeleton of their homeschool curriculum through her literature-rich approach.

Carole has developed a comprehensive plan that raises children to think Christianly. 

Children who understand history will grow to become the citizens our nation and world so badly need. 

TESTIMONIAL from Grace anne in Tennessee:

“History as the backbone has been the glue for our family in homeschooling as we have 3 kids that span 9 grades, age wise, and one has a significant disability. Reading aloud together and being in the same “era” has been something all ages of my kids can share.


What ages is this webinar geared towards?

All ages! Carole will teach generally about history for all ages and the different workshops will break down what teaching history looks like from kindergarten through high school.

Will this recording be available for purchase in the store in the future?

Yes, the recording and handouts will be available in the online store later this year. You can also add our bonus offer to get indefinite access to the recording.

Do I need to already have the history book lists referenced in the webinar?

We will provide everything you need for this webinar! You will receive the history handouts that Carole will reference throughout the teaching.

Is this different information than in the main seminars?

Yes, it will be more comprehensive than the teaching in our basic seminars, A Literature Based Approach to Education and Begin with the End in Mind. Those workshops are only an hour long whereas this will be 3 hours of teaching with time for questions as well. 

TESTIMONIAL from Karen in Wisconsin:

“My oldest is only 8 and already history has been so important. I love that it connects them to their grandparents. They’re able to dialogue a little bit about different time periods, presidents, etc. It also has a great deal of influence on make believe play.”

Make history the backbone of your family's learning using our simple recipe!